Freight forwarding

We Delivery yours logistics need.

Air Freight :

  • Freight Forwarding Air,
  • Customs Clearance in air & Air Movements
  • Door To Door Services In Somalia

Sea Freight :

  • Freight Forwarding – Containers,
  •  Customs Clearance Port Agency

Freight forwarding

We Delivery yours logistics need.

Air Freight :

  • Freight Forwarding Air,
  • Customs Clearance in air & Air Movements
  • Door To Door Services In Somalia

Sea Freight :

  • Freight Forwarding – Containers,
  •  Customs Clearance Port Agency

Give us a call


Workin hours

Sut-thur 7 AM - 5 PM
sun 7 AM-11AM

Our location

102-Al Maha Petrol Pump-23 July Street, New Salalah - Salalah - Sultanate of Oman

Global offices

Salalah Oman,
Dubai UAE,
Bosaso Somalia