Marine Services

  • We rely exclusively on our own Dhow/Vessels and Yacht so that we can provide the most efficient services at the most competitive rates to our valuable clients.
    Abu Musab Global & part trading Co. L.L.C offers the following services to vessel owners & operators in Salalah-Sultanate of Oman.y

Marine Services

We rely exclusively on our own Dhow/Vessels and Yacht so that we can provide the most efficient services at the most competitive rates to our valuable clients.
Abu Musab Global & part trading Co. L.L.C offers the following services to vessel owners & operators in Salalah-Sultanate of Oman.

Give us a call


Workin hours

Sut-thur 7 AM - 5 PM
sun 7 AM-11AM

Our location

102-Al Maha Petrol Pump-23 July Street, New Salalah - Salalah - Sultanate of Oman

Global offices

Salalah Oman,
Dubai UAE,
Bosaso Somalia